Bronze sculptures can be any size and fit many environments to bring art to a variety of spaces where people gather, live and work.
Solaris means: of the sun. This sculpture was inspired by the essence and energy of the sun that shines on everybody and everything without discrimination; initiating life, development, unfolding and abundance. The sculpture is a contemporary iteration of sun symbols that have accompanied humanity throughout the ages and its abstract nature speaks a universal language making it relatable to anybody.

Solaris means: of the sun. This sculpture was inspired by the essence and energy of the sun that shines on everybody and everything without discrimination; initiating life, development, unfolding and abundance. The sculpture is a contemporary iteration of sun symbols that have accompanied humanity throughout the ages and its abstract nature speaks a universal language making it relatable to anybody.

In the night of times, Ilmatar, daughter of the sky, was immersed in the waters and gave birth to the stars and the sun, bringing the light. In this act of creation there is a transition from darkness to light, from incubation to birth. At the time of the equinox, plant life moves from a stage of seed and incubation in darkness to unfolding in the light. This sculpture expresses an upsurge of life and an unfolding into the light above.

In the night of times, Ilmatar, daughter of the sky, was immersed in the waters and gave birth to the stars and the sun, bringing the light. In this act of creation there is a transition from darkness to light, from incubation to birth. At the time of the equinox, plant life moves from a stage of seed and incubation in darkness to unfolding in the light. This sculpture expresses an upsurge of life and an unfolding into the light above.

Bronze sculptures can be any size and fit many environments to bring art to a variety of spaces where people gather, live and work.
Solaris means: of the sun. This sculpture was inspired by the essence and energy of the sun that shines on everybody and everything without discrimination; initiating life, development, unfolding and abundance. The sculpture is a contemporary iteration of sun symbols that have accompanied humanity throughout the ages and its abstract nature speaks a universal language making it relatable to anybody.

Bronze sculptures can be any size and fit many environments to bring art to a variety of spaces where people gather, live and work. With this piece I picked up on the energy of the sun and endeavored to create forms that uplift, encourage and express kindness woven into community.

This particular sculpture Davonte was inspired by a gnarled, very gestural piece of wood I found at the temple of Nike on Samothrace in Greece. Winged Victory of Samothrace, (nowadays displayed in a place of prominence at the Louvre in Paris) is of course one of the world’s most important and celebrated sculptures, for its depiction of triumph, boundless energy and fluidly billowing garments that defy all laws of physicality and express unbridled life force. When I traveled to Samothrace, I carried the question within me if the forces of nature possibly worked a little differently in the area of the Initiation Temple where Nike once stood and where humans sought enlightenment for hundreds of years. The incredible plant life around the area certainly led me to think so. I was thrilled to find a relatively small, but very lively piece of wood in the temple district that I wanted to use as a design inspiration for a contemporary sculpture of victorious, dynamic energy.

This sculpture Davonte was inspired by a gnarled, very gestural piece of wood I found at the temple of Nike on Samothrace in Greece. Winged Victory of Samothrace, (nowadays displayed in a place of prominence at the Louvre in Paris) is of course one of the world’s most important and celebrated sculptures, for its depiction of triumph, boundless energy and fluidly billowing garments that defy all laws of physicality and express unbridled life force. When I traveled to Samothrace, I carried the question within me if the forces of nature possibly worked a little differently in the area of the Initiation Temple where Nike once stood and where humans sought enlightenment for hundreds of years. The incredible plant life around the area certainly led me to think so. I was thrilled to find a relatively small, but very lively piece of wood in the temple district that I wanted to use as a design inspiration for a contemporary sculpture of victorious, dynamic energy.

The movements of the wind at the airport inspired this sculpture. Wind movement captured in stainless steel.

The movements of the wind at the airport inspired this sculpture. Wind movement captured in stainless steel.

In 2019 I visited the temple site where the great Nike of Samothrace once stood high up looking far out to sea. I found a piece of gnarled wood at temple and incorporated its language of form into this sculpture. The piece of wood had elements of buoyancy, upwelling forms that simultaneously nestled against each other and opened into winglike movements, just like the Nike statues of antiquity did. Most Nike statues in Greece have very free flowing, fluid garments and become weightless in their victorious overcoming. This seemed another important theme during the pandemic: How to overcome through initiation as it was practiced at the temples of old.
Interlocking dynamic peninsulas of inner light are the daily reality of the intrepid, indomitable human spirit that can rise over circumstance, teetering between inner darkness of mourning and worry and moments of light created from within or with others.

In 2019 I visited the temple site where the great Nike of Samothrace once stood high up looking far out to sea. I found a piece of gnarled wood at temple and incorporated its language of form into this sculpture. The piece of wood had elements of buoyancy, upwelling forms that simultaneously nestled against each other and opened into winglike movements, just like the Nike statues of antiquity did. Most Nike statues in Greece have very free flowing, fluid garments and become weightless in their victorious overcoming. This seemed another important theme during the pandemic: How to overcome through initiation as it was practiced at the temples of old.
Interlocking dynamic peninsulas of inner light are the daily reality of the intrepid, indomitable human spirit that can rise over circumstance, teetering between inner darkness of mourning and worry and moments of light created from within or with others.

The springboard for the conception of this sculpture was a gnarled, very gestural piece of wood that I found at the temple of Nike on Samothrace that has already led to a previous piece: New Nike 2020. Just as the Nike of Samothrace stood triumphant and encouraging above the initiation sites of the temple lower down, this sculpture has an encouraging gesture embodying the triumphal power of the human I. Elements of buoyancy and upwelling forms that open into winglike movements of triumph and overcoming are the signature of this sculpture. Free flowing, fluid forms become weightless in their triumphal overcoming through the power of the higher human self.
Meanders or trains of vortices get formed by water inscribing its activity into sand or sounds of music shaping the air currents through their vibrations in the ether. These true forms of creativity found in nature are also present in this sculpture.

The springboard for the conception of this sculpture was a gnarled, very gestural piece of wood that I found at the temple of Nike on Samothrace that has already led to a previous piece: New Nike 2020. Just as the Nike of Samothrace stood triumphant and encouraging above the initiation sites of the temple lower down, this sculpture has an encouraging gesture embodying the triumphal power of the human I. Elements of buoyancy and upwelling forms that open into winglike movements of triumph and overcoming are the signature of this sculpture. Free flowing, fluid forms become weightless in their triumphal overcoming through the power of the higher human self.
Meanders or trains of vortices get formed by water inscribing its activity into sand or sounds of music shaping the air currents through their vibrations in the ether. These true forms of creativity found in nature are also present in this sculpture.