Seven Elohim Series, "Promise"
2016, oil, ash and earth on canvas, 40"x30", 120cmx90cm, status: sold/private collection
Seven Elohim Series "Uplifted"
2016, oil, earth, ash and acrylic gold on canvas, 40"x30", 120cm x90cm, status: Collection of the Artist
Seven Elohim Series, "Inscription"
2016, oil, ash, earth and gold on canvas, 30"x40", status: collection Christian Community New York, NY
Seven Elohim Series, "Paths of Destiny"
2016, oil, ash and earth on canvas, status: private collection
Seven Elohim Series, "Passage", 2016, 40"x30"
2016, oil, earth, ash and acrylic gold on canvas, 40"x30", 120cm x90cm, status:available, $1,100.00
Seven Elohim Series, "Tuning High"
2016, oil, earth, ash and acrylic gold on canvas, 40"x30", 120cm x90cm, status: private collection, Ghent, NY